Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So these past few days have been a little tough with Brad working crazy hours due to the RNC. He's been working 12 hr shifts and does not get a single day off. Not to mention that he's working nights, which means I get to do the night routine all by myself. I really wonder how mothers with triplets or more multiples do it? Or even mothers with more than one child do it when their husbands are away.....or just single mothers period. So with that in mind, I know it's a bit stupid for me to complain. Well, I'm not complaining, more so venting.

The girls and I have been sick with a cold and we've had 4 sleepless nights (one with Juju and three with Isa). Are they trying to tell me that they don't want any more siblings? haha. I guess I just hate not getting a break but the number ONE thing that makes this situation even "suckier" is the fact that I have to do bath time all alone. It's so hard with both girls!!! I thought giving them both a bath at the same time would be easier...WRONG! Looking back at it is pretty funny. Trying to dry off one baby yet having to keep an eye on the other one that's still in the tub. Putting the naked baby down on the floor while taking the other one out of the bathtub. Then, as I was putting the diaper on one baby, I was praying that the other one wouldn't pee all over the carpet lol. Oh yeah and making sure she wasn't climbing, eating or doing something she's not supposed to do. Giving them separate baths is not much easier either, especially when the baby that's not getting the bath is tired, cranky and wants your attention as she's climbing up your leg.

Going grocery shopping is a pain too, especially when your grocery list is pretty long. I guess buying toilet paper and paper towels can wait. It sucks that I don't have much room in the cart. Let's just say that a lot of people stare and others come over to talk. The twins are usually pretty good at the grocery store and love to watch everything around them.

Needless to say, this week has made me so grateful that I have such an amazing, hands-on husband. He's so much help! I have to keep telling myself, this is only temporary =)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


So I apologize for not blogging as often as I want. I have been so busy lately and using my spare time to do other things. I blame it on pinterest, reading and crafting lol. Anyways, I promise to post a blog soon. Until then, enjoy these two videos

 Juju Bean falling asleep as she eats.  My poor girl was so tired and hungry that she wanted to do both at the same time hehe =) 

Brad trained Isa to open up her mouth every time he whistles haha.  I know in the video she gets distracted towards the end, but it's the cutest thing =)