-My girls fight over all the toys now. Seriously, what happened to my sweet little girls who shared so nicely? Not anymore!!! Ugh, I swear I'm playing referee at least 20 times a day. Although, I must admit is pretty funny to watch. They now know to take off when they see the other one coming their way. I can do without the crying though.
-Not only do they fight over toys, but now they're physically fighting too. They still don't grasp the idea of being "gentle." I need to take a video of the many times they wrestle each other. Juliana has become quite the bully, which used to be the other way around. She now pushes her sister, steps on her and yanks on her clothes.
Ha, in this picture Isa is the bully
- One of the best parts of my day is cuddle time. Now that my girls are always on the move, it's nice to get some one-on-one time when they're calm and cuddly. Carrying them reminds me of how fast they're growing....ok Sandra don't get emotional...opps too late =(
-So my life has become a constant battle every time I have to change a diaper. If you have never seen a ten month old throw a tantrum you're more than welcome to come to our house, especially after bath time. We have tried everything possible to reason with them, but apparently, it's the worst possible thing we can do to them. Come on, I know they don't want to stay in their filthy diaper all day...or do they? Umm, maybe they can win this battle? Ok, no, it's not possible, but it feels nice to contemplate the idea for a second hehe. We've tried singing, giving them toys, letting them play with a clean diaper....we're running out of options. Payback is going to be a bitch when we start potty training muahaha (scary laugh)!!!! I need to record this too!!!
-The twins, or should I say A twin, managed to get a hold of the dining table linen and pulled it until our glass centerpiece fell off the table and shattered everywhere!!! It was such a scary sound to hear, both Brad and I ran so fast to our formal dining room to find two scared faces looking our way. Thankfully no one got hurt. The mystery will remain....which one did it????
-One of our favorite things we do at night is racing the girls up the stairs. When the girls are ready for their bath, we each grab one and let them go up the stairs. Brad likes to cheat though!
-One of the things that have kept me sane is going to lots and lots of play dates. The girls enjoy interacting with other kids and well, I enjoy interacting with other adults lol.
-Something that makes me giggle is seeing other people amazed at what I do. The other day I went to my friend's house for a play date. At this point, I'm a pro at handling both girls at once...it saves time. So, I got out of the car with my diaper bag and got one girl out. Then, as I was holding Isa, I got Juju out of the car. Her front neighbor, who at the time was mowing the lawn, stopped what he was doing and yelled, "wow look at you doing that." I turned back and said, just another day....I'm used to it =)
-Taking pictures of the girls was such a bliss when they were younger. Now, it's so hard to get both of them to cooperate at once. In addition to that, Isa is now refusing to wear her beautiful bows. UGH!!!! Ok, fine, don't wear your stupid bow...........but please stop trying to get your sisters off too!!!
- There can only be ONE!!!! Twin problems!!!
- So the girls have mastered the art of climbing on the couch. It doesn't help that the dogs help aid in this horrible obsession that the girls are on. Although, I do love that they know how to get down, which means I don't have to worry as much. Anyways, one day one of the girls was on the couch with me. She kept jumping up and down and I kept telling her to stop. I would say, "Juju, stop doing that. No, you're going to fall. Juju sit down." I kept calling her name telling her stop. Then, out of nowhere comes Brad with the other baby and puts her on my lap. He then says, "here you go, since you keep calling her name." The whole time I thought Juju was on the couch with me but it was really Isa haha. That's what I get for not paying attention and playing on my phone.
-They now climb on anything that has an elevated surface -_- If Isa would put as much dedication to walking as she does with climbing, we would have a runner by now!
- Hey, my sister is crying....I guess I'm going to start crying too for no apparent reason!
-Isa makes the funniest sounds ever! She just started this weird, manly laugh too. It's a bit creepy lol.
- For a while, the twins' favorite thing to do was to open the cabinets and get everything out. It was so annoying!!!!!!!!!! Thank god for whoever invented latches. It was so funny watching the first time they realized they couldn't open the cabinets anymore. Poor girls were so frustrated!
- We love when dada comes home from work. The girls love to play with him and I enjoy taking a break from the girls =) It's a win, win!
-I love that the girls can hold their own bottle/sippy cup now. It leaves me time to do other things. Other things such as cleaning, dishes or cooking...yay free time!
Ok I have so many more things I could write about, but it's pretty late. I need my sleep since the girls love to wake up at 7am since the time changed. I wanted to post some videos but my phone is not cooperating. Hope you enjoy. Good night.