Anyways, back to my story. I'm a memeber of a Mom of Twins Group that periodically gets together for play dates. Jen, who has been a member for a while, said she was going to a play date and that I should go too. Ok what the heck, I'll go! I would really love to meet other moms and well, the twins are older and much easier to take care of. Luckily, Brad had the day off, so he was able to help me get the twins ready. I got in the car and met Jen, who lives only a few blocks away from me. Then, I followed her to the mall. As I'm driving, things seemed to be going well. The twins were entertaining themselves with toys, didn't cry (they hate their car seats!) and eventually fell asleep (thank God). Wow, this isn't so bad. Ok we get to the mall, I get the monstrous stroller out and off we go! We go inside and go straight to the playground. When we got there, I realized that you can't bring the stroller inside the playground. Duh, I knew that, just never been faced with that situation. Ugh, why can't they crawl already? It would make things much easier. With Jen's help, I get the twins out of their seats. She offered to hold one, Isa. As soon as I sit down, I smelled...POOP! Seriously, I can spot a dirty diaper from miles away. Crap, ok now I have to change her and the closest bathroom is kind of far away in Dillards. Once again, Jen was nice enough to offer to stay with Isa while I went to the bathroom with Juju to change her diaper. I took the diaper bag and went to Dillards with Juliana. Ok, so far everything seemed to be going well. I got to the bathroom, changed the diaper, scanned a few baby clothes (hey, not my fault the bathroom was right next to the infant section) and headed back. As I approached the playground, I could see that Isa was crying and that Jen was doing everything in her power to make her stop.
no, not a crier!
Isa totally freaked out when I left. Apparently, she was having separation anxiety. I think is more the fact that I left her ALONE with complete STRANGERS! Ok, I admit, rookie mistake. Note to self: don't leave them alone unless is with someone they know, especially Isa. I've realized that she really doesn't like big crowds....ummm I wonder who she gets this personality trait from??? DAD! My poor child was crying so hard her entire face was red and she had boogies running down her nose =( I grabbed her right away (after putting baby A down) and started talking to her. She immediately stopped crying. We sat there for about 15 mins and I briefly talked to a few moms, whose twins were much older; 2-4 years old. At one point, I had both girls on my lap or one sitting next to me while the other one was on my lap. Ok, maybe a play date this young wasn't such a good idea. After all, they can't walk or play yet. Afterwards, we went to the food court to get lunch. Once again, I had to leave the twins alone with Jen so I could buy my food. And, once again, Isa started to cry. Ahhh, she’s supposed to be my happy, easy going baby. Juliana, on the other hand, was sitting in her car seat playing with her toys, not making a sound!!! We left right in time before having cranky, tired babies. Isabella quickly passed out on the drive home.
Overall, the girls did great. We all got home safely and I didn't feel like killing myself haha. Besides Isa's two outbursts, the twins enjoyed the outing and loved looking around at things. Would I go out again to a playmate by myself? Absolutely! I just have to wait a little longer. I want the girls to be able to interact with other kids, or at least be able to explore things on their own. I'm happy I finally grew a pair and ventured out of my comfort zone to meet some great people.
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