Monday, September 10, 2012

I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way!

So after 8 months of being a MoM, I can honestly say that there has never been a time where I can quickly run to the store to get a few things.  There are always people who want to stop me to ask a million questions about the twins, look at them and/or tell me their own personal stories.  I don't mind the attention and I kindly answer the questions (even if I had just answered them ten mins ago!).  My husband has now mastered the "don't make eye contact" technique, in order to avoid conversation.  Don't get me wrong, I love that people are interested in my twins and want to ask questions.  However, sometimes people can be a bit rude without realizing it. 

About a week ago, I went on a play date with a moms' group that I absolutely love.  As we're sitting in a circle, some of the moms were venting/complaining about their one baby.  What made me really upset was when one of the moms looks over at me, as I'm trying to keep both of my girls in the same area, and says something along the lines of feeling sorry for me because I have to take care of two and how bad I have it.  Really? How dare someone tell me that having twins is anything but a blessing!!!  I wanted to say "You really want to complain about your child being sick at night?  Try having two sick babies at one time, crying at 2am while your husband is at work.  Having to take one baby out of the room to put her to sleep because the other one is sick, crying and wanting to be held too.  Knowing that as your rocking your ONE baby to sleep, your other baby is in her room crying hysterically.  Praying and hoping that she falls asleep quickly so that you can go comfort the other one.  Finally, when baby ONE falls asleep, putting her down on your bed because taking her back to her room will wake her up from her crying sister.  Then going to get my second baby, rocking her to sleep, putting her back in the crib.  Then finally being able to bring baby ONE back to her room." 
No, I didn't say that to her for two reason:
  1. I would have proved her right for feeling sorry for me lol
  2. She has every right to complain about her own experience as a mother, without someone else putting her down for it.
I just looked at her and sort of laughed.  No point in explaining why having twins is so AMAZING!  I've had plenty of people tell me they're happy they don't have twins.  Yes, I get it, better me than you!  AMEN to that!  But seriously, why do people say those things to a mother of twins? Keep those comments to yourself! What the heck do they want me to say back? Yes, you're right, having twins is horrible!!! Wrong!!! Once again, no point in explaining why having twins is so AMAZING!

About two weeks ago, two of my best friends came to spend the weekend with me.  It was much needed since Brad was working long hours.  We went to the mall to hang out for a bit and have lunch.  As we were leaving, two ladies across the street were staring at us.  I'm used to people staring, but my friends are not.  What is so interesting about loading two babies and putting a monstrous stroller away?  I guess the fact that I was having trouble putting the stroller in the trunk didn't help the situation at all.  The two females started to laugh.  My friend Jessica was getting mad because these ladies were blatantly staring, so she was staring back at them.  I just laughed. 

I know that for some people I'm a walking advertisement for birth control.  I admit, having twins is challenging but I could not fathom having it any other way.  I love that I have two babies that need/want my attention.  There's nothing more amazing than having both of my girls climb on me! How many people can experience that amazing feeling when your baby first learns to crawl twice within the same week? Take that, moms of singletons!  The number one best feeling is to see my twins interact with each other.  I love when they make each other laugh and giggle.  That is something that only MoMs will get to enjoy.  It's mind-blowing to see how two babies, who can't speak yet, talk to each other.  I've watched Isabella purposely do things to make her sister laugh.  She repeatedly does it to get a reaction out of her sissy.  It's so wonderful to see and I love every minute of it. 

I know that outsiders will continue to be fascinated and stop me where ever I go.  I just want people to be nice and keep their negative comments to themselves. Yes, I do have my hands full and yes they're double trouble.  I still wouldn't have it any other way =)

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