Thursday, May 10, 2012


So I tried posting this blog a few days ago and the Internet decided to not work when I hit the "publish" button. So now that I have a few minutes to spare, this is rare, I'm here to tell you about this awesome, overwhelming experience. So after giving it much thought and consideration, I decided to get my girls' ears pierced. As with many baby topics, this one can be a bit controversial. So I did what I think is best for MY girls and I. I saw many posts on both sides of the spectrum, trying to keep an open mind about each point of view. That's when it hit's only an OPINION!!!! There's no research, no actual FACTS about which is right or do or not do. Many mothers save this special moment with their daughters until they are old enough to make that decision for themselves. I, however, wanted to do it at an early age (4 months). Last Sunday we made it happen. Of course, I brought my entire support team with me. They didn't want to miss this moment either. When we got to the mall, I started to feel very nervous. The only way I can describe it is like the feeling I get when I have to do a presentation in front of people haha. Yes, I know that's a random comparison. But that's how I felt. You know, like when you feel nervous at first, you want to get it over with, and when you finally do it you feel....HAPPY! LOL! I was able to sit and hold both girls, as daddy watched and grabbed them afterwards for some good, daddy loving time. Well, let me just say that it probably hurt me more than it hurt them lol. The girls only cried for about 20 seconds tops and were totally fine afterwards. I think it was more painful to watch than actually go through it. I just held the girls and looked the other way, but since we had a good amount of spectators, their facial expressions reassured me of how bad it looked. Even my sister Claudia cried with me haha. Anyways, I'm glad it is over with and even happier that my girls were so tough (I think they get it from their daddy). They are recovering nicely and they look ADORABLE with their earrings. I will always take advice from friends, sites, research and our pediatrician BUT at the end of the day, I will do what I think is right for them. Enjoy the pictures!

PS- Big thanks to my sisters and Jessica who came along with us. We love you!

Priceless facial expression!!!! Juju was up first.


Then it was Isa's turn! She did a little better =)


  1. They look precious!!!! I'm so happy you made sure to take pics of the entire experience. I want close-ups of your nails too though!!!!

  2. Thanks Jenn! I have a video of the whole experience too. I wanted to make sure that my girls could see it when they get older. I don't have any pictures of my nails. They're the new kind that you stick easy to do! Target sells them. They have so many different kinds.
