Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Look Who's ONE!!!!

Well, I can't believe it.  My little girls are ONE!!!  Seriously, where has time gone?  This year flew by wayyyy to fast.  It's amazing how much they have grown and learned.  This has been the happiest year of my life.  There's no greater feeling than seeing your children do things for the first time, not to mention their laughs, giggles, expressions, sounds and best of all, seeing them interact with one another! The month leading up to their first birthday, I was an emotional wreck.  Every time I thought about them turning one, I would cry!  Yes, motherhood has made me a wimp lol.  I'm very sensitive and emotional now.  Surprisingly, I wasn't that emotional on their actual birthday untill night time.
Brad and I started one of their birthday traditions by going in their bedroom in the morning and singing happy birthday loud and clear.  Ahhh, of course Brad gets up from our bed and rushed to their room yelling, "I'm going to see them first on their birthday" haha.  I usually sing a "Good Morning" song every morning, so it was very special to switch it up with a birthday song.  We brought the girls downstairs and I made them a special, birthday breakfast....pancakes!  Not just any pancakes, but STAR shaped pancakes.  It was funny watching them eat it.  They've never had it before.  They ate about half of it and played with the rest. 
We played with the girls for a while before heading to the park for their 1st birthday cupcake. We debated whether to do a smash cake photo session, but decided against it because we really wanted to wait until their 1st birthday for them to try a cake/cupcake for the first time. My sweet friend volunteered herself to take the pictures on the day of their birthday so it worked out perfectly. That morning was a bit cold and gloomy, but the pictures still turned out great! They LOVED the homemade frosting I made. 


After the big mess, we went back home and cleaned the girls up.  We put them down for their nap and got everything ready for the Aquarium. When the girls woke up from their nap, we fed them lunch and put them in their cute birthday outfits!  How cute are these little twinkies!
We met up with my sisters, nephews, and niece at the Aquarium.  We really enjoyed ourselves and the girls had a blast!  They were mesmerized by everything around them.  They even got to see a penguin up close.  My favorite part was watching them light up and smile at the fish. 



Well..............we decided to get an adult drink for ourselves lol.  Hey, it was a big accomplishment for us as too.  We survived the FIRST year as parents of twins.  It was well deserved and it felt good GREAT to know that I could drink and wasn't in any pain from the c-section, not breastfeeding, and knowing that I would get my beauty rest!!!!

After an amazing, unforgettable time at the Aquarium with the family we went back home to eat dinner.  Before bath time, I read the girls the letter I wrote to them (I plan to do this every year!).  Although they don't understand it now, one day, they will be old enough to really appreciate the meaning behind it.  They will realize how much I love them and how much I have given up to be with them ♥  I will not post my letter on this blog.  I feel like it's a little too personal.  After reading the letter, I showed them a picture of themselves when they were just born.  It was so sweet because Juju kissed the picture as though she knew it was herself. 

It was an amazing day.  We had so much fun with the girls and we had a great time reminiscing about the past year.  Oh how things have changed for us, but we absolutely love every minute of it.  We ended the night with cuddles and having a good night sleep.
Happy First Birthday My LOVES!!!!!!!!
 ***Birthday party blog coming soon***
***Baptism blog coming soon***
***Why did no one tell me this about motherhood? blog coming soon***


  1. I am in tears!!! This post was wonderful. They had a fantastic birthday. I'm so jealous of all the family you have close by :( I need that for my little one. happy birthday twins, you two have the best parents ever. I love the traditions and memories you guys are creating you two are AMAZING! can't wait for our Disney trip together!!! blog more and more and more hahahaha

  2. Thanks Acsa!!! More traditions will come as the girls get older =) I know you're family is far away, but you will have us ♥ and who knows, maybe u guys will end up moving to Candata =) Yes, very excited about Disney!!! If you are having a girl, maybe the girls can match.......I have the perfect MUD PIE outfits!!!! LOL
