Friday, May 25, 2012

What's a spoon?!?!?

So I promised myself that whenever I had a baby babies I would record them a LOT!
I want to be able to show my girls all these videos when they get older. I don't have any videos of myself when I was a I want to make sure that they have something to look at, laugh and enjoy when they get older.
Here is one of many videos; the twins' first experience with rice cereal. I was feeding Isabella and Brad was feeding Juliana. The joy of having twins is that we each get a baby to experience new things!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

When you're only 90% sure, round up!

So although is not official on paper just yet, I can finally announce that I resigned (I hate that word) from my 1st grade teaching position at school. I have decided that I will be taking the next school year off to be with my girls. It has been an extremely hard decision to make and we have giving it much thought for the past several weeks. I've had many mixed emotions about it, trying to figure out the "new me" and how to juggle being a super full time teacher and a super full time mother. I call it super full time because both jobs require so much time and attention. Both, the work of a teacher and mother, are never ending. I have always been a person that is very career oriented and dedicated to my job. Now, the "new me" is just wanting to dedicate most of my time to my twins. They NEED me! I NEED them! I cannot let this precious time with them pass me by. I have to do what is right for me, but especially what is right for them. I have been very blessed to have a husband that not only supports my decision but is willing to work extra hard to make this possible. Of course financially things will be different but I cannot put a price on experiencing these important milestones with them. This first year of life I need to nurture them, teach them, love them, and shape them into the little persons that they will become. Nobody will do a better job than me. This decision has been hard because I have a passion for teaching, my students and education. So instead of looking at this as closing a chapter in my life, I will just say that this chapter in my life is going to be temporarily on hold. I am excited to be a stay-at-home-mom. To keep myself sane, I will substitute once or twice a week. 

I know that the job that I am about to embark is the most memorable, hardest, stressful, satisfying, amazing job that I will ever have.   

In the future, I want to be able to reflect back and have no regrets.  I know that I will NEVER regret this decision….after all, teaching will always be waiting for me.  As a good friend once told me, “You can always go back to teaching, but you can’t get these moments back with your daughters.”

How could I not want to stay home with these little twincesses all day?

"The biggest surprise of motherhood is just how secondary everything else is."- Jessica Alba
I could not have said it better myself. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My First Mother's Day!

It is still so surreal that I am a MoM (mother of multiples).  This has been the greatest accomplishment of my life.  I've had many titles before (daughter, sister, wife, teacher, marine wife, deputy wife, etc) but this one is the one I'm most proud of, MoM.  How did I get so lucky?
My first mother's day was amazing.  I just wanted to stay home with my family and have a relaxed, fun day.  That's exactly what we did.   Although I was not able to celebrate this holiday with my sisters and brother, I am thankful that I got to spend it with my parents, aunt and cousins, Brad and of course, my twinkies.  The twins were so happy that day.  Full of smiles, laughs and giggles.  That was the greatest gift of all.  To see that my daughters are healthy and happy.  I do anything to see them smile. 

My husband worked very hard on the grill.  He cooked some delicious steaks and chicken.  I did not have to do a thing.  He made sure to make this holiday a very special one.  I received some beautiful lilies from Brad, that we are hoping to plant on our yard.  How cool is that?  That way I will always look at those flowers and remember my first mother's day. 

                                                        Thank you God for giving me the title of MOM! I love my family.

I LOVE my necklace.  There's a heart key in the middle.  They hold the key to my heart.  Juliana and Isabella, thank you for being the most lovable, sweetest babies.  Mami loves you very much.  Thank you for making me a mother. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not enough time....

So I've been dying to post more blogs because there's a few things that I want to share BUT I've been very busy these past few days.  Ugh, not just busy but super stressed.  I'm still trying to figure out what to do about a certain situation and every time I feel like I've made a decision something happens.  Well, I'm hoping by the end of this week we will have it figure out.  I know that things will always fall into place and what is meant to be will happen....................I just want to know soon now!  I'm very excited that this school year is almost over (3 weeks left) and I will have the ENTIRE summer off  to enjoy with my family =)  Summer seems so far away, specially with all of the end of the year stuff I have to get done at work.  So I promise that really soon you will start seeing more posts. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Letting go....

So tonight is the night! The twins are finally sleeping in their room for the very first time.  I'm sad and nervous. Will I be able to hear EVERYTHING through the monitor?  Oh man, thank God for Brad that is reassuring me that things will be okay.  Yup, I should probably not admit this but I cried.  I don't understand why I am having such a hard time trying to let go? I always made fun of over protective mothers like my sister Claudia.  I know understand. Ok so tonight.................I'm letting go!!!!!!!!!!!  My girls are growing up so fast and becoming a little more independent.  On the positive side, now they don't have to hear Bruiser all night long shaking his head, walking around the room, trying to get up on our bed, etc.  I hope they have a good night, because I'm not sure if I will.  Goodnight little angels.

They're still sleeping in the same crib.  Pretty soon they will both sleep in their own crib.  One small change at a time =)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


So I tried posting this blog a few days ago and the Internet decided to not work when I hit the "publish" button. So now that I have a few minutes to spare, this is rare, I'm here to tell you about this awesome, overwhelming experience. So after giving it much thought and consideration, I decided to get my girls' ears pierced. As with many baby topics, this one can be a bit controversial. So I did what I think is best for MY girls and I. I saw many posts on both sides of the spectrum, trying to keep an open mind about each point of view. That's when it hit's only an OPINION!!!! There's no research, no actual FACTS about which is right or do or not do. Many mothers save this special moment with their daughters until they are old enough to make that decision for themselves. I, however, wanted to do it at an early age (4 months). Last Sunday we made it happen. Of course, I brought my entire support team with me. They didn't want to miss this moment either. When we got to the mall, I started to feel very nervous. The only way I can describe it is like the feeling I get when I have to do a presentation in front of people haha. Yes, I know that's a random comparison. But that's how I felt. You know, like when you feel nervous at first, you want to get it over with, and when you finally do it you feel....HAPPY! LOL! I was able to sit and hold both girls, as daddy watched and grabbed them afterwards for some good, daddy loving time. Well, let me just say that it probably hurt me more than it hurt them lol. The girls only cried for about 20 seconds tops and were totally fine afterwards. I think it was more painful to watch than actually go through it. I just held the girls and looked the other way, but since we had a good amount of spectators, their facial expressions reassured me of how bad it looked. Even my sister Claudia cried with me haha. Anyways, I'm glad it is over with and even happier that my girls were so tough (I think they get it from their daddy). They are recovering nicely and they look ADORABLE with their earrings. I will always take advice from friends, sites, research and our pediatrician BUT at the end of the day, I will do what I think is right for them. Enjoy the pictures!

PS- Big thanks to my sisters and Jessica who came along with us. We love you!

Priceless facial expression!!!! Juju was up first.


Then it was Isa's turn! She did a little better =)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wow! Finally after four months of wanting to start a blog....I'm here! I have a good excuse, and if you are a mother of multiples (heck even a singleton), you too, understand that life as a mother leaves little time for anything else. I guess I should start by introducing myself, although I'm sure the only people that will read this blog, if any, will be my friends. So if you know me already you will just have to deal with hearing the story again.....I promise to make it nice and short. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 7 years now. I can't believe it has been this long already. He's a former U.S. Marine and now works as a deputy for Hillsborough County. No, he does not have a death wish ha! If you ask anyone close to us, they will agree that we have a very loving, easy going marriage. We really do complement each other. Four months ago, God sent us two little angels from heaven, my twin girls, Juliana and Isabella. Since then, life has not been the same. I now breath and live for them. I can't leave out my fur babies and animals, they too are my children. We have two dogs, two cats, two turtles and one snake. Yes, we are animal lovers.

I will try to post as much as possible, mostly about the twins. From time to time, I'm sure I will post about my furbabies or anything funny that happens at work. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a first grade teacher? Anyways, I guess it's time to go to bed. Goodnight!